Holy Trinity Church Malvern
All are Welcome

Eco Group

Holy Trinity and St James' have joined together to form an Eco Group made up of members of our congregations  who seek to reduce our carbon footprint  and  focus our minds on the need to be good stewards of God’s wonderful planet.  To date we have lead services with  eco themes,  most recently to focus on No Plastic July and we continue to work towards making our church families aware of the ways in which we can all help to save our world.   Members of our groups have participated in local and national initiatives; we strive to use eco friendly materials in our worship and plan to hold a number of events across the year to keep our message live in our minds!   Both churches have recently  gained a Bronze Eco Award which is a great achievement and which  serves as a public acknowledgement of our desire to ‘do our bit’.

We are a very active and friendly group who always welcome new members.  If you are passionate about caring for our environment and would like to join us, you would be most welcome.  Please contact Revd Becky or our church wardens who will be pleased to put you in touch with us.


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